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Index of /quickload

Files shown:3
Directory revision: 63 (of 199)
Sticky Revision:

File (rev) Rev. Age Author Last log entry
 Parent Directory        
styling/  49  5 years  aloraine   Add Strapdown js and css files for more user-friendly look in Web browsers
Y_lipolytica_WSH-Z06_Mar_2014/  63  5 years  aloraine   Add Y_lipolytica genomes, collected from Genbank
Y_lipolytica_PO1f_May_2014/  63  5 years  aloraine   Add Y_lipolytica genomes, collected from Genbank
Y_lipolytica_CLIB122_Jul_2004/  63  5 years  aloraine   Add Y_lipolytica genomes, collected from Genbank
X_tropicalis_Nov_2009/  51  5 years  aloraine   Add JGI4.2/xenTro3 Xenopus tropicalis genome, Nov 2009 genome assembly and annot…
V_vinifera_Mar_2010/  62  5 years  aloraine   Add 12X March 2010 wine grape draft genome Vitis vinifera genome assembly
V_carteri_Jul_2010/  61  5 years  aloraine   Add Volvox carteri f. nagariensis, Eve Jul 2010 assembly, collected from Phytozo…
T_rubripes_Oct_2011/  48  5 years  aloraine   Add Takifugu rubripes (Oct 2011) Fugu (FUGU5/fr3) genome assembly and annotation…
T_parvula_May_2012/  60  5 years  aloraine   Add Thellungiella parvula (salt cress) v2, May 2012 genome assembly
T_kodakaraensis_KOD1_May_2004/  59  5 years  aloraine   Add Thermococcus kodakaraensis May 2004 genome, collected from Genbank accession…
T_castaneum_Mar_2008/  58  5 years  aloraine   Add Tribolium castaneum (March 2008) red flour beetle
S_pombe_May_2012/  57  5 years  aloraine   Add S. pombe (May 2012) fission yeast genome assembly and annotations
S_lycopersicum_May_2012/  56  5 years  aloraine   Add Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) May 2012/SL2.40 genome assembly
S_lycopersicum_Feb_2017/  55  5 years  aloraine   Add Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) May 2012/SL2.40 and Feb 2014/SL2.50 genome ass…
S_lycopersicum_Feb_2014/  55  5 years  aloraine   Add Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) May 2012/SL2.40 and Feb 2014/SL2.50 genome ass…
S_cerevisiae_Jun_2008/  8  5 years  aloraine   Describe contents
S_cerevisiae_Apr_2011/  54  5 years  aloraine   Add S. cerevisiae strain S288C (Apr 2011) budding yeast (sacCer3) genome assembl…
S_bicolor_Jun_2013/  53  5 years  aloraine   Add Sorghum bicolor v1.0 and v2.0 (June 2013) genome assemblies, collected from …
S_bicolor_Jan_2009/  53  5 years  aloraine   Add Sorghum bicolor v1.0 and v2.0 (June 2013) genome assemblies, collected from …
R_norvegicus_Mar_2012/  50  5 years  aloraine   Add Rattus Norvegicus (Mar 2012) rat (RGSC 5.0/rn5) genome assembly collected fr…
R_communis_May_2008/  52  5 years  aloraine   Add Ricinis communis TIGR/JCVI v0.1 assembly, castor bean
P_troglodytes_Oct_2010/  47  5 years  aloraine   Add Pan troglodytes (Oct 2010) chimpanzee (CGSC 2.1.3/panTro3) collected from UC…
P_trichocarpa_Jan_2010/  46  5 years  aloraine   Add Populus trichocarpa v2 and v3 genomes, collected from Phytozome
P_trichocarpa_Aug_2012/  46  5 years  aloraine   Add Populus trichocarpa v2 and v3 genomes, collected from Phytozome
P_persica_Apr_2010/  45  5 years  aloraine   Add Prunus persica v1 genome assembly, collected from Phytozome v7
P_patens_Jan_2008/  44  5 years  aloraine   Add Physcomitrella patens Jan 2008 genome from CossMoss
O_sativa_japonica_Oct_2011/  43  5 years  aloraine   Add Oryza sativa japonica June 2009 and Oryza sativa japonica variety Os-Nipponb…
O_sativa_japonica_Jun_2009/  43  5 years  aloraine   Add Oryza sativa japonica June 2009 and Oryza sativa japonica variety Os-Nipponb…
O_aries_Feb_2010/  41  5 years  aloraine   Add Ovis aries (Feb 2010) sheep (ISGC Ovis_aries_1/oviAri1) genome assembly, col…
N_vectensis_Jun_2007/  42  5 years  aloraine   Add Nematostella vectensis, starlet sea anemone
M_truncatula_Mar_2009/  40  5 years  aloraine   Add Medicago truncatula Mt3.0 release from Phytozome v7
M_musculus_Jul_2007/  39  5 years  aloraine   Add mouse genomes mm8, mm9, mm10
M_musculus_Feb_2006/  39  5 years  aloraine   Add mouse genomes mm8, mm9, mm10
M_musculus_Dec_2011/  39  5 years  aloraine   Add mouse genomes mm8, mm9, mm10
M_domestica_Borkh_Jun_2017/  38  5 years  aloraine   Add Malus domestica Borkh (GDDH13 Version 1.1) apple genome assembly and annotat…
M_acuminata_DH_Pahang_Jan_2016/  37  5 years  aloraine   Add Musa acuminata DH Pahang (Jan 2016) banana (v2) genome assembly and annotati…
L_africana_Jul_2009/  36  5 years  aloraine   Add Loxodonta africana (Jul 2009) elephant (loxAfr3), collected from UCSC
H_sapiens_May_2004/  17  5 years  aloraine   Add Homo sapiens Mar 2006 NCBI36/hg18 assembly
H_sapiens_Mar_2006/  15  5 years  aloraine   Add Homo sapiens Mar 2006 NCBI36/hg18 assembly
H_sapiens_Feb_2009/  15  5 years  aloraine   Add Homo sapiens Mar 2006 NCBI36/hg18 assembly
H_sapiens_Dec_2013/  15  5 years  aloraine   Add Homo sapiens Mar 2006 NCBI36/hg18 assembly
G_max_Jan_2014/  35  5 years  aloraine   Add Glycine max (soybean) Gmax_275_v2.0 genome assembly and annotations, collect…
G_max_Aug_2010/  34  5 years  aloraine   Add Glycine max Glyma1 soybean genome assembly and annotations, collected from P…
G_gallus_Nov_2011/  33  5 years  aloraine   Add Gallus gallus (Nov 2011) chicken (galGal4/ICGC Gallus-gallus-4.0) assembly a…
F_vesca_Sep_2011/  32  5 years  aloraine   Add Fragaria vesca (woodland strawberry) v1
F_catus_Sep_2011/  31  5 years  aloraine   Add Felis catus (Sep 2011) cat (ICGSC Felis_catus 6.2/felCat5) genome assembly c…
E_coli_K12-MG1655_Jan_2012/  30  5 years  aloraine   Add HEADER (same as for UCSC genomes)
E_caballus_Sep_2007/  27  5 years  aloraine   Add Equus caballus (Sep 2007) horse (equCab2) genome assembly and annotations
D_rerio_Jul_2010/  26  5 years  aloraine   Add Danio rerio (Jul 2010) zebrafish (danRer7/Zv9) assembly and annotations
D_melanogaster_Jul_2014/  25  5 years  aloraine   Add Drosophila melanogaster (Jul 2014) fruit fly (dmel_r6.03_FB2014_06) assembly…
D_melanogaster_Apr_2006/  24  5 years  aloraine   Add Drosophila melanogaster (Apr 2006) fruit fly (dm3/BDGP R5) assembly, collect…
D_discoideum_Ax4_May_2009/  23  5 years  aloraine   Add Dictyostelim discoideum (slime mold) May 2009 assembly and annotations, from…
C_sativa_DH55_Apr_2014/  22  5 years  aloraine   Add Camelina sativa (false flax) April 2014 assembly
C_reinhardtii_Nov_2010/  21  5 years  aloraine   Add Chlamydomonas reinhardtii JGI v4 assembly
C_porcellus_Feb_2008/  20  5 years  aloraine   Add Cavia porcellus (Feb 2008) guinea pig (cavPor3) assembly
C_papaya_Aug_2010/  19  5 years  aloraine   Add Carica papaya genome assembly, from Phytozome
C_elegans_Oct_2010/  18  5 years  aloraine   Add C elegans assembles: May 2008 (WS190/ce6) and Oct 2010 (WS220/ce10)
C_elegans_May_2008/  18  5 years  aloraine   Add C elegans assembles: May 2008 (WS190/ce6) and Oct 2010 (WS220/ce10)
C_albicans_WO-1_Jul_2010/  11  5 years  aloraine   Add assemblies from www.candidagenome.org
C_albicans_SC5314_Nov_2008/  11  5 years  aloraine   Add assemblies from www.candidagenome.org
B_taurus_Oct_2011/  16  5 years  aloraine   Add Bos taurus (Oct 2011) cow (Baylor Btau_4.6.1/bosTau7)
B_distachyon_Aug_2010/  14  5 years  aloraine   Add Brachypodium distachyon JGI v1.0 8x assembly
A_thaliana_Jun_2009/  1  6 years  aloraine   Add Arabidopsis thaliana TAIR9/10 genome assembly sequence file and annotations …
A_thaliana_Apr_2008/  13  5 years  aloraine   Add TAIR8 genome assembly
A_mellifera_Jan_2005/  12  5 years  aloraine   Add latest honeybee assembly Jan 2005 Baylor 2.0/apiMel2
A_melanoleuca_Dec_2009/  6  5 years  aloraine   Add latest panda genome assembly
A_lyrata_Apr_2011/  5  5 years  aloraine   Add Arabidopsis lyrata genome assembly and annotations, from Phytozome
A_gambiae_Feb_2003/  4  5 years  aloraine   Add 2003 mosquito (malaria vector) genome assembly, EST, mRNA, and gene model an…
favicon.ico  2  5 years  aloraine   Show this in place of a folder icon in IGB Available Data Sets browser
contents.txt  29  5 years  aloraine   Remove 2008 cat genome; re-order rows
HEADER.md  3  5 years  aloraine   Describe what a Quickload site is

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