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Add Oryza sativa japonica June 2009 and Oryza sativa japonica variety Os-Nipponbare-Reference-IRGSP-1.0 genome assemblies and annotations
1 | <files> |
2 | <file |
3 | name="O_sativa_japonica_Oct_2011.bed.gz" |
4 | title="RGAP (MSU7)" |
5 | description="MSU7 gene models" |
6 | url="O_sativa_japonica_Oct_2011" |
7 | load_hint="Whole Sequence" |
8 | foreground="000000" |
9 | name_size="14" |
10 | show2tracks="true" |
11 | direction_type="arrow" |
12 | /> |
13 | <file |
14 | name="IRGSP-1.0_representative_2013-04-24.bed.gz" |
15 | title="RAP-DB" |
16 | description="gene models from the Rice Annotation Project database" |
17 | url="O_sativa_japonica_Oct_2011" |
18 | foreground="3300CC" |
19 | name_size="14" |
20 | show2tracks="true" |
21 | direction_type="arrow" |
22 | /> |
23 | </files> |
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