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Contents of /quickload/styling/README.md

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Revision 49 - (show annotations)
Thu Sep 27 15:32:16 2018 UTC (6 years, 5 months ago) by aloraine
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Add Strapdown js and css files for more user-friendly look in Web browsers
1 Autoindex-Strapdown Read-Me
2 ---------------------------
4 <a id=readme></a>
5 [Autoindex-Strapdown] enhances Apache's [mod_autoindex] directory listings with
6 [Markdown] README and HEADER files rendered by [Strapdown.js]. Setup GitHub-like
7 directory documentation with just Apache!
9 #### Screenshot Before and After
11 ![Before and After Autoindex-Strapdown](pic/before-after.png "Before: ugly, pixilated, cramped, boring.
12 After: sleek, vectorized, spacious, lickable.")
14 ### Quick Start
16 **Simply copy the following into a directory's .htaccess file -- That's All!**
17 <br>Then add a README.md or HEADER.md files and enjoy.
19 ```ApacheConf
20 # Apache Autoindex Directives
21 Options +Indexes
22 IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable SuppressRules
23 IndexOptions IconsAreLinks ScanHTMLTitles NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=*
25 # Autoindex-Strapdown Directives
26 AddType text/plain .md
27 HeaderName HEADER.md
28 ReadmeName README.md
30 # Customize by setting theme and title
31 IndexHeadInsert "<script>conf = {theme: 'bootstrap', title: ''};</script> \
32 <script src='http://ais.habilis.net/autoindex_strapdown.js'></script> \
33 <link rel='stylesheet' href='http://ais.habilis.net/autoindex_strapdown.css'>"
35 # Icons using Bootstrap's Glyphicon set
36 DefaultIcon http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-file.svg
37 AddIcon http://ais.habilis.net/icons/blank.svg ^^BLANKICON^^
38 AddIcon http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-folder-open.svg ^^DIRECTORY^^
39 AddIcon http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-circle-arrow-up.svg ..
40 AddIconByType (TXT,http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) text/*
41 AddIconByType (IMG,http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) image/*
42 AddIconByType (SND,http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-music.svg) audio/*
43 AddIconByType (VID,http://ais.habilis.net/icons/glyphicon-film.svg) video/*
44 ```
46 Customize by setting the `theme` or `title` configuration parameter on the first line of
47 the `IndexHeadInsert` directive. For example:
49 `IndexHeadInsert "<script>conf = {theme: 'cyborg', title: 'My Robot Pics'};</script> \`
51 See the list of [themes available from Strapdown.js][Strapdown.js].
53 ### Self-Hosting
55 For simplicity, the example above is hosted at `ais.habilis.net`. To install on your
56 own host, download or git-clone Autoindex-Strapdown, and adjust the htaccess directives
57 to point at local URLs for the Javascript, CSS and icons. Add the extra conf option
58 `stapdown` to self-host Strapdown. I.e.:
60 `conf = {theme: 'bootstrap', title: '', strapdown: '/sd/strapdown.js'}`
62 For a concrete example, see the [htaccess-selfhost](htaccess-selfhost) file which expects
63 Autoindex-Strapdown to be installed on the host at the URL `/autoindex_strapdown/`.
65 ### Background
67 Since time immemorial, the Apache web server has had the ability to serve up directory
68 listings (indexes), optionally augmented with text or HTML read-me and header files.
69 GitHub partially emulates Apache's auto-indexes with READMEs, but enhances it by adding
70 Markdown formatting -- the prefect compromise between plain text and HTML.
72 In a sense, Autoindex-Strapdown is an attempt to backport GitHub's enhanced emulation of
73 Apache mod_autoindex back to Apache.
75 [Autoindex-Strapdown]: http://ais.habilis.net
76 [mod_autoindex]: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_autoindex.html
77 [Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
78 [Strapdown.js]: http://strapdownjs.com

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